30 November 2010


busy on updating my blog and i'l keep on updating it soon..
as i'm so new here..but i love to story here...

29 November 2010


waa~ rndu sgt dgn kwn2 lama...
nk sangat jumpe diorg semua...
rndu x terkata lah..semuanya cam dh besar2 skrng..haha
handsome,,cantik,,comel,,hahaha..semua ad lah...
yg x bole blah nye,,kwn2 ak yg dlu jarang ckp dgn ak...
bole jd talkative skrng..haha...kalau la bole putar blik masa,,hai....
mmg ak buatnye..haha...x sabar la nk jmpe semua...
tapi x taw la nk jmpe kt ne???
tak taw bile hari yg sesuia..kdg2 ak cm x ready je nk jmpe diorg..
tak tahulah knpe...tp ak rndu sgt dgn diorg semua..ak rse kiteorg mmg the best r tyme sekolah rendah dlu...
hahaha..gempak kot kiteorg..haha..ebadd2 belaka semua taw!
ak syg giler diorg...thx sgt sbb dorg still igt kat ak..haha...
klu lah diorg taw ak saaaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang gler kat diorg...adoyy
semua lah..bkn bdak kelass ak je..haha...bile igt balek cm lawak je mse dlu...
igt lg tyme ak adsuke sorg bdak nih..haha..klakar!
tp skrng mmg die handsome lahh..haha...tp kn dh lme x jmpe die...mne la diemenghilang ye..hmmm,,
pape pon..ak kne gak wat reunion..rndu x terkata..juz tgh planning skrng ni..wee~
hope success!haha

22 November 2010


seminggu suda di rmh..hahaha
tanpa aktiviti yg mndtgkn faedah,,
bile nk study??hm,,,,xtwla weyy..
bak kata adek,,
'lek2 la bru seminggu!'
mslhnye,,mmg la bru seminggu,,,
tp SPM nx year kott!!!
hahaha....kne start skrng ni...hihi...

17 November 2010


cm ne nk ckp ea..
confession telah dilakukan..
emmm,,,tindakan seterusnya masih blom diambil...
hai..kdg2 rse menyesal pulak confess..adoyy..
len kali pikir dlu b4 wat..
dh tu nk wat cm ne??
terlajak perahu bole undur..
terlajak kata..
emm...tanggung sendiri la...
btol ke ak syg die???
 knpe perasaan sama dtg bile tgk die??
tp ak tkot laa if ..................
xde papelahh..
olong la diriku ini....
ak syg die???
ntah lah....ye,x,ye,x..................
x tahu.................

14 November 2010

avenged sevenfold

so far away...best lagu tu...
dear god pon best...huhu..
tp group rock...but soft songs diorg touching siot r...
i'll be their fans!

30 dis

juz got the news....
he asked us to come back at 30 dis..
ermm,,,how come??
nt members xde food...
mmg la sng je psl food tu..
BR??kunci plak tu....
adoii..ini lah mslh jika suda di dlm kawalan,,,
kebuntuan ni....
cm ne ek???


you come and ready to share....
thanks for the moment.......

13 November 2010


pengadil yg bongok!
ish..mmg siot r..bru men dh dpt kad kuning..
mmg x reti mengadil...
mazhab mne ntah die pkai....eyy,,sabar je lah..
klu china mng pon xde makne nye.....hhaaa
harus tabah!


seorang mia sedang menuggu si dia....
dia tidak pasti akan pilihannya...
kekeliruan masih membelenggu dirinya...
bagi mia dia tetap percayakan kata hatinya namun...
mia risau jika ada yg tidak dpt menerima hasrat hatinya...
ohh..hati bertahanlah....yakinlah bahawa jika dia ditakdirkanuntukmu...
pasti akhirnya dia akan bersama-sam dgn mu...
mengapalah mia tidak seperti insan lain??
mia tidak menyalahkan takdir...
mia harus lakukan sesuatu....mia yakin dia unuk mia...
suatu hari nanti,,perkara ini akan terungkap jua...
bersabarlah duhai hati..meskipun mia tahu dikau sengsara....

12 November 2010


The Legend of La Befana

The legend tells that the three Kings, on the night between the 5th and 6th of January, wanted to visit baby Jesus. They walked all night carrying presents with them. They became lost and knocked at a door of an old woman’s house, the house of La Befana. 

They asked Befana which way they had to go to find Jesus and if she could come with them to Bethlehem. Befana gave them the right directions but she refused to go as she had lots of things to do at home.

After that, however, she regretted saying no to their request. So she made lots of cakes and walked outside her home. She offered cakes to all the children she met on her way, hoping one of them were Jesus. Since then, Befana brings gifts to all the children. 

La Befana Story

The BefanaLa Befana is a nice old woman who flies on her broom stick every year on the night between the 5th and 6th of January, which is the Epiphany day, to bring presents to children. That is why she carries a big bag on her back full of sweets, which la Befana will use to fill the stockings kids have left by their chimney. The kids who have behaved in the past year, will find sweets and chocolates in their stocking on the day of the Epiphany. Those who didn't behave will also get a few lumps of coal. However, everyone loves La Befana. Some people imagine La Befana with white hair, others with black hair but, a part from that, everybody agrees she has a long crooked nose, broken shoes and a patched dress.

La Befana Song

The Befana comes by night
With her shoes all tattered and torn
She comes dressed in the roman way
Long live the Befana!


rumahku syurgaku..haha
best nyer dh blek rumah...
adoi..rndu masakan bonda...
tgh hari ni kasi sepah dapur!kahkahkahkahkah...
buat pe ek hari ni?ermmm,,,,
online and books maybe...haha
ptg ni balik kampung....rindu dgn nenda...
huhu..contoh cucunda terbaek laaa....haha

                                                                   nenda tercinta

11 November 2010

.2010. Year full of JOY and LAUGHTER...

almost end of the year...waahhhh!!
kejap je nk jadi f5 dh....but 2010 was really a great year i ever have...
i learn a lot new things from my besties...teachers...and all my friends..
i'm gonna miss this damn much,you know??
my 15!
i love them so much...i'm so lucky having you guys as my friends here..
we spent almost of our time together...
the laughter that make us crazy..hahahaha..
the tears that we share....
i learn something from all of you...and 2010 is the witness...
we make a promise to lead the way together..and we will okay??
2010 pun byk ajar ak jadi org yg lebih bertanggungjawab....
kehidupan byk sgt dugaannya..tapi bila ada kawan2 yg setia...
ak rse semua akan jd senang...
hanya Dia sahaja yang tahu betapa ak menghargai tahun ini....
rindu yang teramat untuk tahun ini...
kasih sayang...
perkara yg paling bnyk ak belajar tahun ini...
kasih kpd kawan,,kekasih,,sahabat,,dan semua org...
i'm happy coz i could hve a chance to love people...
and i appreciate that so much......hope that he could change...wondering if that people have the same feeling...haha..gila!hehe...
susah kita nk puaskan hati semua org,,sebab tu kite kne byk berkorban utk org lain...
inshaallah pengorbanan itu akan di balas..dan mmg tahun ni  byk pengorbanan ak yang dh terbalas..tak salah kalauu terpaksa melepaskan apa yg kite nak..
percaya pada diri sendiri mcm ak percaya kat diri aku...then,
if kite wat perkara yang betul,tak perlu takut sebab we are on the right track...
ak percaya tu...
my principe is give and take in wat ever relationship pon....
and again i learn that mostly from my 15!
thankz so much dear....i love all of you.....
and remember that i enjoy every story that you told me throughout the year..thankz besties!
and within next year...i want to gain new spirit!
yeah~mcm best....study2...
good for 1994 batch...let's rock the world..kasi letop!
and 2010....i'm gonna miss u more!
thanks for those who always there behind me in any situation...
i LOVE all of you!