26 December 2011

too many kenduri lah..

HAHA.. btw, bile cuti2 nih kan byk lah kenduri kendara ni kan..
org kawin, kenduri doa selamat, kenduri tahlil, kenduri arwah, & mcm2 laaa..
haish, dan aku lah antara mangsa utk menghadiri majlis2 tersebut. heh.
so, sepanjang aku observe lah kan kenduri2 nih kalau nk wat kena lah ad kerjasama kan??
baru la SUKSES! hihi.

then, td nenek aku ad bwat kenduri sbb kezen aku dapat 8A! *congrats! hihi. so, aku pon bergerak blik ke kg awl2 pagi, & ad satu benda aku nk share. heh, dlm byk2 kenduri yg aku penah pegi lah, aku rse rmh nenek aku lah yg paling klasik smpi skrng nih. hee. bkn ape, org zmn skrng pakai buffet kan, nenek aku masih lg dgn tradisi guna dulang. haa! kau ada? xde kan. special laa nenek aku nih. nilai tradisional masih meruntun di jiwa. *alahai ayat poyo. mcm cth kat gmbr sebelah ni. aku main grab je kat google. HAHA.

heh, papepon riuh rendah rmh nenek aku hr nih. x tahan~ aku baik dgn sorg kezen aku nih nme haikal. die nih kecik lg dlm darjah 4 baru. tp mmg lah sporting habess. die mmg rapat la jugak dgn aku. heh, die ni loyar burok ckit. tp ape2 aku ske gak lepak dgn die. hadoii. budakbudak. layan ~

so, best la jugak kalau g kenduri2 nih. hehe. mcm2 gelagat org aku tgk. kelakar lah mereka2 nih. huhuhu.. gelagat manusia, macammacam.

23 December 2011

adik2 JAC 3

HAHA, sepanjang life kat skola ad satu kes nih mmg xboley lpe lah. hihi. biasa la bile dh nme asrama sistem kejut mengejut nih adalah normal. well, dorm aku amat berdekatan dgn dorm adik2 form ni. heh. tp. ni bkn buli eh. mintak tolong. dr awal tahun la mereka nih duk kejut kteorg satu dorm nih. bole kata kamceng ah. Hihi. mcm2 la adik2 nih duk wat kat kteorg. bg food xyah ckp ah, berlambak lambak diorg bagi. *brppp! time kasehh ye. terharu sama mereka nih. kteorg pulak x pnah nk mrh diorg.

ad one nite tuh mereka dtg dorm kasi big apple. alahai. baiknye korgg. dh la tgh stay up & lapaa.. HAHA. ape lg. rezeki namanye tu. tanpa segan silu kami dipelawa. igt kan kongsi, rupenye sorg satu. adoyy. terharu. adik2, terima kasih ye. pastu rapat la kteorg nih. hihi. 

paling aku igt diorg nih, mse malam SPM. diorgg wat kad gud lark utk 8 of us. wahh! ak rse nk nangess mse tuh. ayt mmg tacing habess. adoyy. semangat aku nk SPM. HAHA. ak simpan kad tuh. bkn tu je, mse bgn pagi SPM tu ak rse pelik je tgk rak kasut. rupenye keje budak2 nih duk tampal kertas2 gud lark kat rak kasut. haiyaa,, kau ada? baik btol la korg. HAHA. mmg laaa aku sgt speechless. xsgke diorg apprecite smpi cm tu skali. 

okayy, tu mse nk SPM. mse last day of skul*diorg la ak spm lg,,hehe. tgh dul lepak2 kat dorm & bce buku. empat org bdak2 nih yg mmg rapat dgn kami dtg. tersipu sipu dpn pintu dorm. ak pon pelik ape la yg diorg nk nih. baik g packing ke ape. rupe2nye nak amik gmbr. ala2 memories gitu. HAHA. kami ni pon tors ah capai tudung en have a picture session dgn diorg kat luar dorm. hai,,ak xtaw cm ne nk ckp dh. Totally terharu. nah! ni laa some of the picture.

from left up:, yana, khai, me, una, anis, muneeba
down: adik2 JAC3 

HAHA. tu la al kisahnye junior skola aku nih. haiyaa. mcm2 la korgg nih. papepon, aku x kn lpe la anda berempat nih ye. terima kasih jd adik yg baik. blaja rajin2. jgn nakal2.hope korgg x lpe kami ye. be a good girl & do pray for our success. <3 thankss yaww.

p/S: mse mlm SPM f3 buat buih belonn..how sweet, singing a song to cheer up our spirit. & what can i    say? thankss a lot korgg. those were very meaningful to me & my batch. gonna miss u guys.

Qaliff :)

you are damn cute laa, Qaliff.
eee,,geramnye tgk qaliff nih..
nasib laa kau nih jauh kalau x, siap kau..
nnt mesti dh besar nnt hendsome kan??
adoyy, melepass.. HAHA.

nothing but something

yeah~ i miss them. seriously.. :(

22 December 2011


hey, betul ke ape yg kau tulis semalam... :D
serious laa mcm terkejut gler kau tulis cm tu..
kdg2 aku tak tahu laa betul ke tak yg kau suke ak..
kau tak penah cakap..tapi cara kau tu..
buat aku confused...bukan nak sangka buruk..
aku x nak diri aku ni cepat melatah dgn perkara mcm ni...
sepanjang aku kenal kau, kwn2 aku ckp kau mcm baik...*ye laa kot.
tapi aku tak tahulah kau buat cm tu kenapa...aku confused laaa..
for the first time dlu mse awl tahun time saringan kau sibuk cari aku & kau bg aku present as i assume a good luck give..
yaa,,kenapa ek? aku x penah tnye kau knapa... bile aku tnye org lain, diorg ad mcm2 pendapat..
ye, aku confused sekali lg..hmm,, & the way u talk to me, seriously so nice..
tp kau lelaki..aku cm kurang ckit laa pcye kalau kau ckp ape2..tp bukan xpcye langsung...
hmm,,kau tahu kan hati perempuan ni cam mana.. jgn la main2kan aku..
sepanjang aku knal kau, aku bole ckp kau caring tapi kau ego..
HAHAHA...xpelaa..lelaki kan...sblm ni pon kau lyn aku mcm someone special* i guess so.. 
tapi tu laa aku ckp aku tak nak laa cepat terpengaruh dgn ape yg kau ckp kat aku...
pengalaman yg lalu byk ajar aku supaya berhati hati... 
tapi ape yg kau ckp kat aku smlm,,ye! mmg hati aku terusik. tp kenapa ek?
aku confused, again. tapi aku biar je laa...
aku akan tggu kau bersuara, & skrng aku hanya anggap kau mcm kwn rapat aku.. okayy :D
tapi dulu aku ckp aku x suke kau, tapi skrng..yup, I LIKE YOU! :D

20 December 2011


hmm, so esok result PMR akan keluar & confirm la adik2  F3 cuak kebebeh kan??  takpe boleh punye laaa.. tapi aku pon join cuak sekali peeps. HAAHA. utk sekolah la aku cuak nih. hee. tapi aku yakin adik2 aku ni BOLEh. HAHA. 

ttbe aku terigt 2 tahun lpas time rseult PMR. HAHA. aku tak gi sekolah amik. Ne-g yg tlg bg tahu aku dpt berapa. heh. kat rumah x yah ckp ah. cuak nk mampuss. tak boleh tido taw mlm tu. hai... bile pagi mula la ayah aku duk kacau2. panas je ak. HAHA. 

pastu by the time pkul 10, rmai la member aku bg taw yg diorg dpt 8. aku still cuak2 ayam kat rmh tak tahu result. haih, mne la Ne-g nih x txt aku lg. hmm,,sabar2. x lme lpas tuh Ne-g call. die nanges. aku lg cuak tahap langit ah mse tuh. aku tnye die dpt x,then die kata dpt. pastu aku tnye la result aku yg aku suruh die tgk kn. die bole bikin drama pulak. haiyaa,,,nangis2 punye nangis akhirnya die ckp laa aku dpt lapan en? x terkata. sbb act aku target 7 je,peeps. tapi ALLAH tu Maha Kaya kan?? tu rezeki aku. alhamdulillah.

time tu aku kat dapur. aku terus peluk ibu. ibu nangis. HAHA. terharu. :( tp ape2 pon lpas dh satu tugas masa tuh. amin~ aku semangat nk SPM mse tuh. HAHA. so sedar tak sedar skrng aku tgh tggu result SPM pulak. hmm,, lg cuak la kn. tapi tawakal la aku skrng. aku harap yg terbaik utk aku& family. tu je. ape2 yg aku dpt aku akan terima. tu kan semua ALLAH yg tentukan. kena Redha & Ikhlas. 

so,,aku hope adik2 aku dpt ulang sejarah kami. insyaALLAH. 

special for you:

kakak would like to say this

May all of you pass with flying colours.

ya! it's in your hand.

p/s: wee. may ur dreams come true,adikadik.

19 December 2011

New Outlooks. New Life. New Hope. * I guess so.

first of all , credit to Farisya Nabila for helping me to manage my blog new outfit.
HAHA. yeah! *thanks adik. 
btw, its almost end of the year, right?
whats on my mind?
Hee. ya! hope to have a new year with a new hope soon.
 *still early to talk about new year. HAHA. who cares?
so, love to have a better life in future. :)

14 December 2011

hee :)

The Joy of Triumph

ya..that's my name. it sound's GREAT!

10 December 2011


always miss this. SP WINDS ever. <3

hey,sectionmate. from bottom of my heart,,i did missing u guys. <3

when will we repeat the times again? :(

09 December 2011


mija, jaga diri. jgn nakal2. jgn lupa farah. always be my friend okay?
as i want u to know, farah ske mija pakai bju ni. HAHA. cantik. :D

so, ni PRESENT!

farah mampu potong je kek tu. tapi xdpt suap utk mija. :(

p/s: lpas nih xde org nk potong kek....cm kat skola.. =,=

06 December 2011

my journey end. 08/01/2007- 06/12/2011

2007 to 2011.
cpatnye masa berlalu.
bru je abes paper smlm. rse mcm tak pcye.
ssh dah nak dpt life mcm kat SSP.
masa tak akan patah balik.
even sdeyh but life must go on, man~
gonna miss all my friends, all the memories, all the tears, all the laughter and all the chit chat stories~

the best part when all of us had a very huge task for the school.
yeah! SPM. tu taruhan sekolah utk ELD. 
i hope we can repeat the HISTORY again,
may ALLAH ease our way.
i know my friends. they are great. very great people i ever met.
each of everyone of them are so SPECIAL! make ELD such a memorable one.

so, dear friends,,
keep moving on. but please hold our memories ya! 
be a good person out there. be nice. there's NO ONE to advice u later on. *like when we were at SSP.
all of u have to stand on ur own. stay CUTE. & i'll always pray for all of you.
if i miss all of u or SSP or if i'm lonely...i will write about US! only about US!
only then i'll get back my strength. as ELD stand with this:


remember? i hope so. untill the end.

so, as i miss SSP i want to share a shot in SSP that will never be replaced after all. the magnificent one!

surau. yeah! *rindu solat jemaah dgn kwn2.

gajah menyusur. * rindu g kelas,prep

lawn ball court* haha. saya ahli tak aktif. haha.

kelas* wee. no more.

hostel* opps ignore a person in this pic. HAHA.

there's a lot of shot actually. keep on updating after this.

06 November 2011


IBU!                                              AYAH!

may your love last forever,okayy?!
lots of love, kakak~

things happen for a reason...

lama dah tak blogging..:)
hm,,so SPM next week je..
meremang bulu roma! haha,,
i know,but both atuk left me during an important moment for me...
MY atuk: 2009 (PMR)
MY atuknyah: 2011 (SPM)
mesti ada hikmah.
tempatkan mereka dalam golongan yg mulia di sisi-MU.
hanya DIA yg tahu.
tabah kan hati.
SPM sedang menanti.
YA RABB kau rahmatilah perjuangan hambaMU ini..

28 August 2011


i HATE to say this..
I'm totally HURT... :'(

26 August 2011

especially for you...on 27 0f August..



sweet 17,,dear!
bru bwat taw choc cake nih..hahaha...
special handmade from MUMMY!..hahaha..
may you have a blast year this year..
may you be a better person in future...
juz want u to know..i love you so much..
thanks for teaching me so many things that i don't know...
especially on how we value people...i really appreciate that..:)

min,,may this friendship LAST FOREVER,,
dun ever forget me okayy...
keep on finding ur happiness..i'm sure u'll have it.n pray for my happiness too...~
take care always..mummy love you! <3

p/s: i love this pic...cm sweet je kn? hahaha...:D

seriously,,i'm okay..

first of all...nk jugak la citer pasal geng 15! saya ni..huhu..
mereka ni mcm2 cter laa..
ape2 pon farah syg korg n i know korg happy skrng..
go on with ur life frens..i'll always behind all of you all the way..:)

my dear,,Yasmin~
dun worry much about me..i'll be find..
and i always hope that you are happy now with what you got..
your best friend will appreciate you..no matter what..
there's no need to be guilty about your feeling,,to love someone it is normal..
i did that somehow before..
trust ur HEART..:)

my buddy,,Payein~
happy for you with ur Mr.Broadband..haha..
he's so gentle laa...wee~
remember what i said before?
'together we search for another chances'
and here you go..the chance is in front of you..
grab it with patient okayy?
stay together :D

my busyuk2,,Huda~
thats it...u know him n i hope he knows you too..
what  ever come across you..jgn gelabit eh * ;)
hahaha...think b4 act okayy?

 my little sys..Aqiila~
he change you a lot...n i hope it will last forever..
truly,,he definitely the best for you rite now..
i know that u r so happy..and keep that always..
because i dun want you to cry anymore...
appreciate each other okayy?

LBNL,,hey 4 of you...dun worry about me..i'll be find..
and i'll always be that way..move on with ur life..
thats the key~

25 August 2011

i'm happy with them...

jgn gado2 dh eh..
frh syg korg sgt2...
we live together n stay together yeah!
whatever things come across we'll try to make it more easier...
i really2 know that
WE LOVE each other..
it's true...
the one that we always talk and thinking of is the one that we love actually...
it's juz ourselves often to deny that..
Strive for SPM everyone~ :)

a new girl born on 26 august..

may this year will full of happiness..
good luck in your life..
thanks for being a good & understanding sister..
really appreciate that...
jgn nakal2 eh? haha...
stay sys~ <3

19 August 2011

there's a lot to describe here,,,,

hahahhaa..rindunye blog...muahh XOXO..
lme x cite pape kat cni...busy lately...SPM yaww! hahaha..
hmmm,,,so where to start????


yeay! finally after 5 tahun kat SSP berjaya jugak Sapphire ku tercinta dpt first!
wohooo! credit to IZZAH SHAKIRAH which is our HOUSE CAPTAIN..
kau mmg hebat! THE BEST HOUSE 2011...wahhhh2... bangga kot...

izzah was holding our house flag with honour..love u izzah!


ni cite SP Winds pulak..hahaha..
ni nak bangga jugak ni..adoyy..
marching mmg smart ah tyme sports day..wohoo!
x sgke berbaloi la f5 duk jerit2 suruh straight kan line,kan?
hhahaha..kan dh ckp..kite bole punye...see! salute r SUPERGIRLS~

WAAA!! 45 degree kot..cayalah! muahxx XOXO..

kampus ilmu UKM..
wohooo! 3 hari yg byk menyedarkan diri ini..haha
3 hr tu lahh byk nye rembesan air mata ku yg keluar...
thx to WOW COACHING~ mmg WOW! hahaha...
PAK ANJANG..perghh..he's a good consultant..rndunye UKM...nk session dgn diorg lg..
trademark yg pak anjang ajar:


meletup gitu..hahaha..xkn lpelah kampus ilmu nih..mmg best! thx cg.Azura~

mse nih tersedan2 ak nanges..*touching la katakan... :)

prefects' retirement day..
hahaha..akhirnye kan selesai lah tanggungjawab yg 2 tahun di galas di SSP...
sdeyh mmg sdeyh..ak syg biro PROTOKOL..waaa~
tp kne jugak bg org len rse jd prefect kat cni..perghh! sng cite...prefect ssp the best la! haha..*syok sendiri
nnt ad farewell..wee~ utk adik2 pengawas tu JUJUR BERBAKTI ye..*kening2
tak cukup lg tu! dh letak jawatan ni la akibatnye..syok sendiri dgn uniform,,kahkahkah..

haihh...from left ummi,ain,me and ama..hahaha..havoc la photoshoot kite~ XD

like this one! XD
so,,the end for today~

23 July 2011

graduation day..

i want it ONE!
can,t wait for this moment....

22 July 2011


you know what?
i miss my SUPERMAN team so much..
Finale just passed 3 weeks ago..
but then the memories are still fresh in my mind..
can you read my mind?
how much i longing to be in the team again...
we shared almost everything to fullfilled all hopes..
but we don't have chances rite?
He knows everything than us..
i believe that.
sometimes life is so unfair.but its okay.that's life is all about.
we  did our best overall..yes we did it!
everyone knows that we are the CHAMPION of their HEART.
a thousand million thanks to those that always give us supports and gain our spirits through those  meaningful moments.
i can't express how much i miss those moment~
what ever it is ...

i wish that we can always keep in touch.

07 June 2011

manusia talam dua muka !

aku mmg terkejut gler la bile taw psl korg nih..
mmg manusia KEJAM!
ko persendakan kawan aku kot!!!
hey,,silap org la kau! aku kwn die nih akn balas balik..
dasar manusia terlaknat!
kau taw x kawan aku tu ikhlas kawan dgn kau...
die jujur kot dgn kau...KAU! boleh pulak perlekehkan die..
manusia jenis ape kau ni ha??
dah la tu kau heret org laen ke jln yg slh!
kau spttnye tlg org utk berubah..ni x...
xde hati perut ke weyh!
tolong laa..aku ad good impression kot kat kau mula2...
kau hebat weyhh...tapi...bila dh taw psl nih and melibatkan pride kawan aku..
aku EMO r!!!!!!!!
kau jgn igt kau hebat sgt eh? dasar talam dua muka!!!!!!
aku BENCI kau sampai mati!
aku tak sangka kau cam nih laaa...aku TERKEJUT!
and aku sure all my frens akn terkejut jugak! *15 nnt story eh...
aku hope kau bukak mata la weyh!
papepon aku mmg benci kau sampai MATI!
and btw,,kawan aku  tu lagi HEBAT dr kau laa...
aku nak ko ADMIT ape yg kau buat..!!
kalau kau berani la kan...sbb kau kn *lembik*
ewww! geli aku...bajet hot je kan kau..tp...lu pikr r sndri...
weyh! sedar diri ek...tak kan ke mana la kau kalau cm ni...

tu case pertama...
yg ni laen pulak cter nye...
kdg2 bile pikir balek...x cukup ke ape yg f5 bg kat korg?
ape yg kteorg jahat sgt nih? kteorg ad nk bunuh korg ke?
apesal yg nk amek point sgt bnde yg kteorg gurau2 ha?
snpai kne mengadu kat skola lain?
senyap dh laa...gurau je pon,,mengade laa kau!
kau igt org tu nak sgt layan kau? tak malu ke?
please r...pnat r lyn org cm ni..
kteorg baek2 dgn korg ... backstepped pulak..smpi jatuh PRIDE kteorg!
what derr glerr kau!
hey! korg byk kot bwat kteorg ad kteorg nk bising?
kteorg sbr je laaa..mcm2 korg wat dr dlu smpi skrng...eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
korg mmg tak reti nk hargai org...
bukak pekung di dada..shit!
weyhh! syg nama laa weyhh..nnt ko jgk yg lead team tu...
klu papehal jd nnt,,aku gelak je eh?
please r...jgn wat bnde cm tu dh..nmpk sgt korg nih pon
pape r korg..kteorg nk kuar dh..
pepandai la eh,,jgn menyesal pulak nnt!

 P/S:sesape yg bce,,sorry la ak mmg tgh emo..klu x xdenye aku tulis cm nih...-,-

05 June 2011


knal x mamat kat ats ni??
cm mke korea en?
adoyy..die ni student AF laaa...hahaha...
waa..minat die dohh..smart je..
tp lidah pendek..so bile,ckp cm pelik skit..
tp ko nih style dohh!
eee..geram aku..huhu...
even ko x msok final..ko ttp style!


hmm,,selama aku knal kau..byk sgt dugaan yg ko terima..
hey,,ak hope sgt kau tabah..ad hikmah semua tu..
jgn risau,,tuhan akan bersama insan yg benar sahaja...
kau tetaplah dgn pendirian ko eh?
papehal yg ak bole tlg ak tlg nnt...
ko kan kawan aku jugak... XD
biarlah org nk ckp ape weyhh....yg penting NIAT kau...
aku boleh tlg ko bg semangat..hidup kan x selalu indah...
aku tau kau kuat..kuat sgt....janji dgn aku kau buat yg terbaik utk SPM..
doakan aku jugak..kalau ko rse dianiaya..doakan kebaikan buat org yg aniayai kau,,okay?
semoga kau sentiasa happy ya walaupun kau sdeyhh..
tgk cm aku nih...happy je..hahaha...
thanks a lott tlg ak in study...
ak akan igt ape yg ko ckp :)

03 June 2011

kawan saya..

haha..kawan2 saya nih even penat,letih,sedih,gembira....
kalau suruh pose mmg no.1 lahhh!!! huhu..
papepon syg kalian! 15!

teachers day!


 Citrawarna..tyme paktis...

melor's village...

02 June 2011

don't disturb me lah!

u think that i only waste my time?
u never know what i did at home,okay!
i know that u are advicing me & my friend...
yeah! its true in any words that came out from ur mouth..
but then,,,
don;t think that i'm a SUPER  LAZY GIRL...
i can take ur advice,,but it takes time to change kan...
as u told,,we still can change..yeah!
i'm on my way! i'm not perfect as you i guess!
i beg you,,
i hate it before and forever...
i know what is ur intention..ur so kind to us...
thank you,,,i respect you so much...& i love you so much you know??
please....let me be myself too..i can't pretend to be others...
what ever it is thank you so much....
u sacrifice a lot...i appreciate it...
but,,,,don't force me...
i will change...thats my promise...

01 June 2011

2 months story..

bile dh lme duduk kat skola kn..mcm2 yg jadi..
hahaha...lately skola busy sgt..muahhhaha...
starting dgn flashmob laa..aduhai mcm2...
best sgt dpt gabung dgn SMSS,SAS,SDAR, & TKC..
wohooo! meletup..gempak rsenye dpt jmpe 
sweetest moment laaa....awesome sgt...
dataran merdeka tu kecoh ad budak band je..
papepon rndu sgt flashmob tu..mcm2 insiden jadi..kan3?
oppps..xley cite laaa..P&C..ahha..
hope kwn2 tak lupe kite,okayy??

P/S: gonna miss those moment...

a gift! :) 24 of april...

thx for the chocolate hr tu okayy...
terkejut jugak ttbe kau bg..
dh laaa after perform..
its okayy...!
thanks again* wink2..