28 August 2011


i HATE to say this..
I'm totally HURT... :'(

26 August 2011

especially for you...on 27 0f August..



sweet 17,,dear!
bru bwat taw choc cake nih..hahaha...
special handmade from MUMMY!..hahaha..
may you have a blast year this year..
may you be a better person in future...
juz want u to know..i love you so much..
thanks for teaching me so many things that i don't know...
especially on how we value people...i really appreciate that..:)

min,,may this friendship LAST FOREVER,,
dun ever forget me okayy...
keep on finding ur happiness..i'm sure u'll have it.n pray for my happiness too...~
take care always..mummy love you! <3

p/s: i love this pic...cm sweet je kn? hahaha...:D

seriously,,i'm okay..

first of all...nk jugak la citer pasal geng 15! saya ni..huhu..
mereka ni mcm2 cter laa..
ape2 pon farah syg korg n i know korg happy skrng..
go on with ur life frens..i'll always behind all of you all the way..:)

my dear,,Yasmin~
dun worry much about me..i'll be find..
and i always hope that you are happy now with what you got..
your best friend will appreciate you..no matter what..
there's no need to be guilty about your feeling,,to love someone it is normal..
i did that somehow before..
trust ur HEART..:)

my buddy,,Payein~
happy for you with ur Mr.Broadband..haha..
he's so gentle laa...wee~
remember what i said before?
'together we search for another chances'
and here you go..the chance is in front of you..
grab it with patient okayy?
stay together :D

my busyuk2,,Huda~
thats it...u know him n i hope he knows you too..
what  ever come across you..jgn gelabit eh * ;)
hahaha...think b4 act okayy?

 my little sys..Aqiila~
he change you a lot...n i hope it will last forever..
truly,,he definitely the best for you rite now..
i know that u r so happy..and keep that always..
because i dun want you to cry anymore...
appreciate each other okayy?

LBNL,,hey 4 of you...dun worry about me..i'll be find..
and i'll always be that way..move on with ur life..
thats the key~

25 August 2011

i'm happy with them...

jgn gado2 dh eh..
frh syg korg sgt2...
we live together n stay together yeah!
whatever things come across we'll try to make it more easier...
i really2 know that
WE LOVE each other..
it's true...
the one that we always talk and thinking of is the one that we love actually...
it's juz ourselves often to deny that..
Strive for SPM everyone~ :)

a new girl born on 26 august..

may this year will full of happiness..
good luck in your life..
thanks for being a good & understanding sister..
really appreciate that...
jgn nakal2 eh? haha...
stay sys~ <3

19 August 2011

there's a lot to describe here,,,,

hahahhaa..rindunye blog...muahh XOXO..
lme x cite pape kat cni...busy lately...SPM yaww! hahaha..
hmmm,,,so where to start????


yeay! finally after 5 tahun kat SSP berjaya jugak Sapphire ku tercinta dpt first!
wohooo! credit to IZZAH SHAKIRAH which is our HOUSE CAPTAIN..
kau mmg hebat! THE BEST HOUSE 2011...wahhhh2... bangga kot...

izzah was holding our house flag with honour..love u izzah!


ni cite SP Winds pulak..hahaha..
ni nak bangga jugak ni..adoyy..
marching mmg smart ah tyme sports day..wohoo!
x sgke berbaloi la f5 duk jerit2 suruh straight kan line,kan?
hhahaha..kan dh ckp..kite bole punye...see! salute r SUPERGIRLS~

WAAA!! 45 degree kot..cayalah! muahxx XOXO..

kampus ilmu UKM..
wohooo! 3 hari yg byk menyedarkan diri ini..haha
3 hr tu lahh byk nye rembesan air mata ku yg keluar...
thx to WOW COACHING~ mmg WOW! hahaha...
PAK ANJANG..perghh..he's a good consultant..rndunye UKM...nk session dgn diorg lg..
trademark yg pak anjang ajar:


meletup gitu..hahaha..xkn lpelah kampus ilmu nih..mmg best! thx cg.Azura~

mse nih tersedan2 ak nanges..*touching la katakan... :)

prefects' retirement day..
hahaha..akhirnye kan selesai lah tanggungjawab yg 2 tahun di galas di SSP...
sdeyh mmg sdeyh..ak syg biro PROTOKOL..waaa~
tp kne jugak bg org len rse jd prefect kat cni..perghh! sng cite...prefect ssp the best la! haha..*syok sendiri
nnt ad farewell..wee~ utk adik2 pengawas tu JUJUR BERBAKTI ye..*kening2
tak cukup lg tu! dh letak jawatan ni la akibatnye..syok sendiri dgn uniform,,kahkahkah..

haihh...from left ummi,ain,me and ama..hahaha..havoc la photoshoot kite~ XD

like this one! XD
so,,the end for today~