31 January 2011

C.I.N.T.A &&&& L.O.V.E

haish...susah betul la nk cakap psl kes2 doktor cinta nih..haha..but so far cik jah byk belajar dgn cerita2  dr kawan2..hmmm,,,cerita2 mereka byk mengajar cik jah pasal cinta dan kasih sayang a.k.a cinta monyet...haha..tp ad jugak yg sampai jinjang pelamin kn?? amin~ kawan2 cik jah byk experience taw! haha..almost semua..haha..cik jah?? hahaha...belum lg laaa...tp cik jah sgt faham those feeling...thanks to my friends yg byk memberi cik jah pengalaman merasai cerita mereka walaupun cik jah sekadar berfantasi dgn cerita2 mereka....haha...terbaik wok!

fatin aqiila

farah byk sgt belajar from ur story..
what a tough girl u are...
juz can't imagine if i were u..definitely i'm give up man!
but,,there u r..still continue with ur life! 
so much obstacle u face in ur relationship...
thus,, i know that u r  TOUGH!


ur story such a lovely one..u know what??
ur story make me feel the happiness in love... so sweet..
haha..i hope ur love keeps on growing for ur hero!
hey,,what ever bad things come across u,,
try to discuss,,wokeyh??
luv YOU!

awk,,,,byk jugak sye blaja dr awk nih..
awk mmg sgt2 ikhlas bile syg org...
tp org yg tak reti nk hargai awk!
they are called LOSER! u realise that??
its okay,,i know there's sumone waiting for you lahh..
let the memories keep in ur heart...but dun ever regret it!
its a chance and there will be another chances!
u always be ayeinku! <3

ros amani

bile farah dgr cerita awk,,mcm2 perasaan yg farah rse...
cerita awk ad byk sgt stage...interesting!
awk rse happy,,sedih,,marah...at the same time...
haha..wonderful kn??
tp farah taw yg awk syg die..
die pon syg awk jugak!
keep my word! because its TRUE!
act semua kwn2 cik jah inspire cik jah..diorg tabah && sgt kuat! cik jah tahu diorg siapa..haha..byk lg story yg kwn2 cik jah cite but yg ni mmg kasi impact laa kn?? they make me learn how wonderful and hurt being in relationship...for me,,always trust ur heart, and believe ur partner...okayyy?? luv yaa!

p/s: i remeber years ago someone told me i should take caution when it comes to love,,i did! haha...


  1. HAHA, welcome jahh.
    jahh laa fers prson ckp kite MATURED dah XD
    well, u teached me lotss thingss jgk laa :) and i really REALLY appreciate it. HEART you laa

  2. hahaha..welcome jugak! <3 awk sgt2.....

  3. cik jah.....
    saye syg awak!!!!HAHA.
    rndu lol..
