19 January 2012

Them. My inspiration. :D

Hello! Haha. The topic for today is something like My Idol. Heh. Bkn yg nyanyi tu. Ni pasal Idola laa. Yeah. Everyone have their own idol in order to inspire or change ones life. Me too. *okayy. malas nak speaking dh. Watcha!

So, dalam byk2 insan yang aku kenali, semuanya ada karakter sndri kan?? Tapi ada jugak yang sgt mempengaruhi perbuatan, keputusan & perubahan yg berlaku dkat diri aku. Yet, they are totally my inspiration. I know i'm not perfect at all. *okayy aku speaking balik, HAHA. But for me to learn some knowledge from others is more valueable as it's reminds me how important knowledge was. No matter where the knowledge come.*btol ke aku ckp ni?? HAHAHA. Okayy. Sepanjang life kat skolaa, ni laa org2 yg aku jd kan TULANG BELAKANG utk aku tross berjuang. Their word, OH, magical! they are really sincere in living their entire life.i'm SUPER DUPER inspired! They are :

PAK ANJANG  ~ Okayy. Dia ni motivator batch Eld before SPM. Through out all the programme, WOW.WOW.WOW! Awesome glerr! Dia sgt dan teramat berkaliber. Pengalaman hidup die byk ajar die utk bjaya smpi skrng. What a wonderful person u are, Pak Anjang! :D He made me cried, laughed & think who am i suppose to be through out my life. Yeah. Aku rasa hidup bile die lemparkan bicaranya yg penuh hikmah. Sehingga aku simpan satu angan2 utk berbual dgn dia secara personal, dari mula program. Sampai laa waktu hari terakhir die dtg SSP. Aku igt. Masa nak exam Bio esoknya.Time tu F5 kat DM. Aku nampak ade kete putih. Aku yakin glerr tu Pak Anjang.

 Then, Zuhairah bgn & aku follow! Betoll! U know what? Aku nangis bile nmpk dia. Siyess. Aku sedih sbb aku tahu tu last aku jmpa Pak Anjang. Smpi mlm aku nangis, kat surau, kat dorm, kat koridor, toilet. Semua lah.  Tak tahu knpe aku terlalu sebak. :( After solat isya', he came to me. Advicing me. & he said: " Kita jumpa esok? Tak ada paper kan?" Alhamdulillah. Impian aku tercapai. Aku tross happy. Esok, aku hntr bdak2 sc msok hall dgn dia. Wah! HAPPY. Bile paper ptg kami berbual dkt dpan bilik guru. Hati aku sebak mcm nak nangis masa tu. We share a long story. & he kept on inspiring me. What a evening! After that, K.Ucu give me roti boy. She said, amik la bg pihak Pak Anjang. * roti tu aku share satu dorm sbb happy sgt. So, last moment ak lambai die smpai hall je. Ak xnk hntr smpi kete. Sbb bg aku, aku akn jmpe die lg nnt. InsyaALLAH. Pak Anjang, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID! 

Mr. RAJA~ This is my Band Director. Yeah. He thought me a lot about life & how to value people & to be the best you can. No limit. HAHA. dia agak tegass. mcm2 mende yg penah 15! gado dgn die. HAHA.  && sgt perfectionist. Yeah! X tahan. But through out the moment with him, i realised AR is act teach me & dear friends about life. How to manage it well & live on it. You are SUPERB man! Walau cm mne pon org tak ske or dengki kat die, die watlek watpeace je. Sbb dia selalu ckp, " Tuhan tahu apa I buat, enough". Dia ikhlas ajar semua org yg cinta kan ilmu. He do everything for his team, his supergirls as to make sure they will be human soon. What a caring person u are. Thank God i found you. SP Winds ever okayy? :D  Merci beaucoup AR. Thanks for a Brilliant year of Superman! I'll be missing you. Stay slim~ HAHAHA. 

Here come to the next one! HAHA. Ni classmate aku. Pggl je Afar. Heh. Dia ni nmpk pendiam, tapi Bijakkkk!!!!!! She loves purple & Anna Sui. HAHA. Gotcha!  wahh. Aku sgt2 suke tgk die jwb soalan. Laju jeww. Dia ni sgt laa lemah lembut, tp sekali marah ribut ohhhh!! HAHA. joking. Aku bgga die dapat Khazanah. Satu kelass tumpang gembira kat die. Hee. *mcm aku yg dpt,over. :P Hehehe. Skrng dia sdg melanjutkan pelajaran die. Hee. Best kan? Rugi aku x blaja hebadd2 cm dia. Xpe. Rezeki masing2. Hm,, jaga diri ye. Thank you sbb byk bantu dalam Pelajaran saya! Saya nak jadi mcm anda! Terus jadi hebat!You are totally UNIQUE, Afar! Good Luck out there.  :D

 My Deskie ~ Hanimm!!!! Ini laa deskmate saya selama 2 tahun berturut-turut. Heh. Dia laa paling knal saya. Wee. Dia ni insan Hebadd jugakk dlm kelass. Tapi kesian kat die, selalu kena tggl bile saya pegi woc. Xpe. die redha kan3?? Suka bila tgk dia dancingdancing. *beriyer. Wohoo! Hanim ni byk tlg sye dlm maths. Mantap Maths die. Addmaths ponn. Igt, lg mse satu exam ni, aku dpt A-. Alhamdulillah. Aku teruss peluk hanim ni. Aku terharu sgt masa tu even A- je tp tu ALLAH bagi. Alhamdulillah. Bertubitubi airmata ku keluar. HAHA. Then Sakinah bg note. Terharu sgt, Thnk u Skeen! Hanim terus ckp cm ni : " Congratss Farah. Kan Hanim dh ckp farah boleh punyaa. Okayy, Pergi salam cikgu, ckp terima kasih" Waaaa. Touching. :( Ak berjaya buktikan aku boleh!I'm alive, & aku teruss dpt result yg baik lpass tu.  Hanim, you give me your CONFIDENT! Thankss, deskie. Stay cutee ~
Farah D~ Seriously, x pernah terlintass dpt rapat dgn dia, smpi laa kami satu kelass selama 2 tahunn. HAHA. Dia hanya igt aku sbg 'Batchleader Kasut Berkilat' ! HAHA. How dare you. Ngeh. Memories. At least die igt. Then, semakin rapat. habit kami pegi koop, g cafe, beli chipster, choc, air dutch lady && macam2 laaa. *gemuk aku. && terharu sgt bile first time masa prep dia luahkan isi hati die pasal......tuuutt. aku dan dia je laaa yg tahuu. Beriyer die cerita. Dia tak tahu aku terharu nak mamposs. Adoyai. She loves to share her dream to be so pretty one day, her pan house, living overseas, & so on. HAHA. The way she talked, yeah i want to be like you laa. Dia byk tlg my Acc Subject. Thank you! Byk yg kami story sama2 dlm kelas, waktu prep hai laaa. org wat hw, kite lain pulak kejenye. HAHA. Dia byk bwk aku fikir lebih jauh & yakin dgn ape yg aku buat. sekarang aku semakin bercitacita besar seperti kau. Huhu.  && I want to still keep in touch with you because u are AWESOMEEE!! Terus kan usaha menggapai impian ye, kawan! Thank you for being such a SUPPORTIVE friend!



Dia KP sekolaa. Sgt Hebadd. Berjiwa besar dan berfikiran sgt matang. Pendirian Ama sgt teguh.  Ama selalu lakukan perubahan utk dirinya dan rakan2 lain. Such a Great leader, AMA! But,, sometimes dia sgt kelakar & sedikit annoying==' HAHAHA. yeah! Well biasa laa. I like u the way u are. Dia giler2 sebenarnya. HAHA. She did call me "BOUNCING CASTLE' Teheee. i miss the way u laugh Ama, seriuslyy. Dia sgt tekun bile belajar, saya selalu tgk die* Ha! Kantoi. X fokus. HAHAHA. Dia sgt determine. Aku suka cara dia. Ama, x penah lupa bersukan. Comel betull. Your words, ohhh really touched my heart. Whenever you open your mouth i will always listen to you. Sbb her words, soooo.... MAGNIFICENT! Ahaha. Cm tu laa. Ama, can i be as great as you?? I wish for it. :) Walau cm ne ponn byk mslh die, die cool je. X pernah merungut,sedih tapi lg tough. Selalu yakin DIA bersamanya. You lead me to find what is the meaning of true life. You are such a DEDICATED person. :D

So, i think thats all for todayy. I wish to have a bit of their specialities. InsyaALLAH. && I'm totally inspired! XOXO. 


  1. awhh my farah :') terharunyaa.thnks so much my 'bouncing castle'! yknow, everyone has that unique little something that defines them and yours is obviously your tenderness and love and utmost care towards people.a burning passion towards what you love is the first step to be a somebody and i know you have that somewhere in you waiting to be developed my friend :)

    and here's a little secret to spill muehehehe, ama vote farah for msk's miss congeniality and eventhough you didnt get the award, youre still tht miss congeniality in my heart :)

  2. Auwww... :') by the time i read ur comment my tears kept coming out..Ama,, thank you. HAHA. what a secret. Heh. I appreciate that. Thx for ur words again. Magnificent for me. Do stay with me dear friend. :D
