08 January 2013

Love books. Gain knowledge.

Bonjour monsieur, bonjour mademoiselle :D

Do you love to read ? Ahhaa.. Raise your hand ! hmm hmm.. quite a number there. *clap clap* ^__^

So, since childhood act I love reading and it is part of my childhood hobby. childhood only ? haha. No lah ! Sampai sekarang pun. Masa kecik kecik dulu, Ayah selalu bawak pergi library every weekend about 2 hours mcm tu. Dari situ I guess I love reading so much. Start darjah satu, setiap minggu akan pinjam buku dari library. Emm emm.. dulu dulu mana ada sgt game game iPad segala pun. ==" MEMANG TAKDA IPAD LAA KANN !!! Haha. Okay ! Okay continue,every month awal bulan je Ayah will buy me majalah Asuh. Hmm hmm.. agak agaknya budak2 sekarang tahu tak majalah Asuh tu hape ek ?? Entah lah. Then, keluar majalah KAWAN. haa.. Tahu tak majalah KAWAN ? Section yg paling suka baca is section Dr.Nina. Sbb dulu cita2 nak jadi doktor. Bila dah besar lain pulak jadinyaa. HAHA.  and every month mesti WAJIB okay ada dua majalah tu. :D

So, kat sini Ayah yg byk main peranan didik I and my sister membaca. Ibu pun selalu igtkan Ayah jgn lupa beli those majalah. Tak tipu, dulu mmg suka sgt pergi library. Then start darjah 5 dah jarang pergi library. Mcm busyy laa kononnya. Kalau pergi pun, pergi dgn kawan2 setiap hari Jumaat. Pastu dah masuk asrama, hmm.. busy busy busy ! sampai tak sempat nak jejak library if ada masa lapang sbb ada praktis band. hikhik. Tapi kat asrama, baru lah start belajar baca NOVEL ! masa baru2 berjinak-jinak dulu, just beli novel from PTS ONE tajuk dia BAGAI SEJUTA kot and many more.  Ada lagi kat rak mini library dlm bilik. In fact, majalah Asuh and KAWAN pun ada lagi tau. It's too sentimental for me to throw it out. PRICELESS !

After that, dah naik form 3 baru lah baca novel Alaf 21 laa etc etc. Budak asrama mmg kerja dia baca novel je. Heh. So far byk laa jugak novel Melayu if combine sekali dgn my sister punya. Then tak silap masa end of form 4 kot, baru laa start nak baca novel ENGLISH. HAHA. Lambat kannn ?? ah, takpe. better late than never, ye dok? hihi. The very first english novel yang dikhatamkan is PS I LOVE YOU ! Auwwww... sweet sgt2 citer tuu. At that time too I feel in love with Cecelia Ahern novels :D ALL ! Then, terus la continue baca other english novel. Not to forget malay novel too !

It's 2012 collection. Ada lagi but malas nak ambik. :D
And, start last year rasa mcm lebih minat nak baca motivational books. Then I look for the suitable one and I found LIFE IS AN OPEN SECRET. Masa form 4 dulu ada rasanya FarahD bwk kat sekolah, tapi mcm tak minat sgt nak baca. ini pun sbb nmpk zue mcm borong semua 4 edition buku tu.dia mmg dah lama carik. Macam menarik and beli jugak. IT IS INTERESTING BEB ! Tak menyesal beli. SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!! So, last year my target was everyday baca one chapter of that book, and Alhamdulillah finally habis jugak baca and I gain new knowledge from those books. I'm glad. At the same time, bagi a few classmates pinjam utk baca. then diorg pun cakap best. hihi. Tahun ni at least target beli satu buku own my own and ended up am manage to buy more than one. Wee~~~ including novels laa. HAHA. Novel dan diriku tak dapat dipisahkan. Too bad ~~ Lagipun my bedmate suka baca buku, every night baca novel before tidur. hihi.

First book to start my 2013 :)
For this year, I plan to buy more and more and more books ! I want to gain back that spirit to love books the way I did during my childhood time. Best actually baca buku. dapat ilmu baru, pengajaran hidup and many more lah. TAK RUGI ! So, everyone outhere do read more at least once a week. It's my aim and it can be your aim too ^_____^  I don't think if we drink more we learn more like what Milo said, in my view ; READ MORE LEARN MORE. Nahhh ! That's the fact. So, in order to start reading again, I already bought this humorous book and I think it is interesting.

I think that's all I want to share. Keep reading everyone ! :D

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